Mechanical Engineering considers the design, control, and motive power of fluid, thermal, and mechanical systems ranging from microelectronics to spacecraft to the human body. Specializations allow students to focus their technical electives in the areas of Aerospace Engineering, Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering, Flow Physics and Propulsion Systems, and Design of Mechanical Systems.

Students interested in changing their major to Mechanical Engineering: We cannot guarantee a 4-year graduation plan due to impacted courses. Please expect to be placed on a 5-year plan. Please note that many MAE engineering courses are offered during the summer and open for all students to enroll.
Degree Requirements
Additional Resources
Sample Program PDF
The sample template below is to help you create your own 4-year plan. Please note some courses may get full and when that happens you will have to adjust your schedule accordingly. You are welcome to speak to an advisor if this happens or if you have questions about moving classes around.
Rules for Technical Electives:
Students select a minimum of 16 units of technical electives. For students majoring in both Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, a core course in one major cannot be counted as a technical elective in the other major. Any upper-division course in the department not used for the degree may be used as a technical elective. At least 8 units of the technical electives must come from ENGRMAE upper-division courses other than project-based courses ENGRMAE 188, ENGRMAE 189, and ENGRMAE 199. With the approval of the Undergraduate Advisor, students may choose any remaining technical elective units from other departments’ upper-division courses that have primarily technical content. Preapproved courses from other departments are listed on the MAE website:
MAE 151A-B Changes for Fall 2023 (Formerly MAE 151 & MAE 189)
If questions, contact- David Copp & Mark Walter
Program Faculty Advisor
Prof. David Copp
Academic Counselor
Mitzi Orme
Mechanical Engineering is a major within the Mechanical & Aerospace (MAE) Engineering Department