All CHC students who are declared engineering majors or who plan to declare an engineering major are required to meet with the Engineering Honors Advisor for a walk-in appointment to discuss the course plan BEFORE submitting to CHC. Please PLAN AHEAD to meet with the Engineering Honors Advisor during these walk-in hours
Course Plan
Campuswide Honors Collegium requires all students to submit a full course plan in their first year. Plans are due to CHC:
- Week 10 Spring Quarter for students who are admitted to CHC via application.
- Week 5 of Winter Quarter for first-year students
- Week 10 of Winter Quarter for transfer students
Excess Units request – CHC students only
CHC Excess Unit Petition for Academic Year Submit Online — Request for your maximum unit cap to be increased.
Useful Resources for Course Plan
Upper Division Writing
Students who are planning to do honors research in an engineering lab, should be enrolling in ENGR H199 (honors research) under the engineering faculty who has agreed to serve as the research advisor. This is typically in the senior year. During the second quarter of the project and at the time the honors thesis will be completed, students will need to enroll in ENGR H196W (Honors Thesis) under the same faculty research advisor. Note that ENGR H199 is a prerequisite for ENGR H196W
The ENGR H196W will cover upper division writing for engineering CHC students.
The scheduling office will assist in creating enrollment codes for the sections of ENGR H199 and ENGR H196W under the research advisor. However, please forward any signed Independent Study 199 Forms to the Engineering Honors Advisor first.
Students who are NOT in an engineering research lab, or are not planning to complete the honors thesis, you will need to take ENGR 190W to satisfy upper division writing.
BMEP majors must pass Bio 100 and 2 upper division bio labs to fulfill upper division writing.
Useful Links
CHC Engineering Counselor
Ushma Patel