It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all degree requirements are met and seek guidance as and when needed.

Graduation Application Deadlines
If graduating Fall Quarter
Submit graduation application by Week 3 of Winter quarter prior to your intended graduating quarter.
If graduating Winter Quarter
Submit graduation application by Week 3 of Spring quarter prior to your intended graduating quarter.
If graduating Spring Quarter
Submit graduation application by Week 3 of Fall quarter prior to your intended graduating quarter.
Applying for Graduation
When can I apply to graduate?
Students can submit a graduation application up two quarter prior to the quarter the expect to graduate. Example if you expect to graduate in Spring, you can submit a graduation application as soon as fall quarter.
Do I have to submit a Final Degree check?
Students are recommended to submit a Final DegreeWorks Update.
Students are also welcome to meet with an academic counselor via virtual academic advising to discuss their Graduation application and Degreeworks in lieu of submitting a final degree check! (no appointment required)
How do I submit a Graduation application?
View our How to submit a Graduation application video!
When are graduation applications reviewed?
Graduation applications will be reviewed and marked as “Received” or “Denied” during Weeks 4 and 5 of each quarter.
Why is my application status “Pending,””Received,””Denied,” or “Certified.”
- Pending – your application is awaiting review from your graduating counselor.
- Received – your application has been reviewed and Degreeworks has been updated. Should any issues arise, your academic counselor will contact you via email.
- Certification – this is the final graduation application step. We cannot certify your degree until we receive your final grades, and we confirm you have met your degree requirements.
- Denied- your application has been reviewed and denied due to reasons such as, deemed as ineligible to graduate, missing requirements, or you incorrectly submitted your application. You will be emailed with reasons if denied!
What are the degree certification requirements?
Your degree will be certified once we confirm you’ve:
- Received a 2.0 GPA (in all courses completed, all upper-division engineering courses, and all engineering courses).
- All Major requirements were taken for a letter grade.
- Completed Design Units; this portion is completed automatically. With the exception of Environmental Engineers who will need to ensure they keep count of their design units.
- Completed all University Requirements ,General Education Requirements and UCI Requirements.
It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all degree requirements are met and seek guidance as and when needed.
What is Commencement?
Commencement is the graduation ceremony for students.
Where can I find the Commencement Dates?
Click here to view Commencement Dates
What are Latin Honors?
Of the graduating seniors, no more than 16 percent will receive academic honors: approximately 2 percent summa cum laude, 4 percent magna cum laude, and 10 percent cum laude. A general criterion is that students must have completed at least 72 units in residence at a University of California campus. The student’s cumulative record at the end of the final quarter is the basis for consideration for awarding Latin Honors. Visit UCI University Registrar – Latin Honors for more details!
Where can I get additional information on Tickets and Commencement information?
For more information, visit
I missed the deadline to register for Commencement tickets, what do I do?
If you are passed the registration deadline please email for late registration options.
When and how can I purchase my Cap and Gown?
To participate in a Commencement ceremony, all graduates must wear appropriate academic regalia. Visit Cap & Gown, Academic Regalia for Commencement (
I have more questions about Commencement!
Please visit the dedicated FAQ section
After Degree Certification
When can I expect my diploma?
Diplomas are typically available four months after the end of the quarter in which the student graduated. Degrees are posted on official transcripts approximately six to seven weeks after the end of the quarter in which they are awarded. The degree award date is the last day of the graduating term, or for Summer Session, the last day of Summer Session II.
Diplomas can have either your legal or preferred name. You may set your preferred name via StudentAccess. Requests for a preferred name may be submitted only by the student.
How can I receive my Diploma?
When diplomas are available, students will be notified via their UCI email address or alternate email address provided on their Application for Graduation. Once notified, you may:
- pick up your diploma at the Registrar’s Office.
- authorize another individual to pick up your diploma
- authorize the Registrar to mail your diploma to you
To have your diploma mailed, complete and sign the applicable section of the Diploma Request Form, and send it to the Registrar’s Office. Expedited mailing services are available for an extra fee. Graduate students from self-supporting graduate degree programs should submit their Diploma Request form with a check for $25 payable to UC Regents.
Diplomas are sent via USPS certified mail to domestic addresses, or USPS registered mail to addresses outside the United States. Both services require a return receipt signature.
How can I provide degree certification to my employer?
Upon request and after degree certification, a signed degree certification letter can be provided by submitting a request to our office email.
Can I keep my UCI email?
As alumni, you have two options to keep your UCI email active after you graduate. Keep your UCI email or Set Up Alumni Email Forwarding.
Visit Alumni | Office of Information Technology ( for more details.
Can I still use the UCI Career Center resources after graduating?
The UCI Division of Career Pathways offers valuable services and resources for UCI and UC alumni after graduation. Visit Services for Alumni – UCI Division of Career Pathways for a simplified breakdown!
Are there any Industry Career Resources I can use?
Apply to Graduate School
Thinking about graduate school? Start your preparation via Apply to Graduate School – UCI Division of Career Pathways