Normal Academic Progress
Engineering students will become subject to probation or disqualification from further registration if they fail to make normal progress toward their declared major. Below are scenarios of students not making normal academic progress:
- Not declaring a major by the time they reach junior status (90 units, excluding college work and AP/IB Credit that was completed before high school graduation)
- Failure to follow the program of study required by the School of Engineering
- Earning below a 2.0 GPA (cumulative, engineering, upper division engineering, or quarterly GPA)
- Not completing lower-division writing before the student’s 7th quarter at UCI.
Lower Division Writing
The two courses taken to fulfill the lower-division requirement must be completed with a minimum grade of C- (or a Pass or Credit grade equivalent to C-). Students may select from the courses specified below:
- WRITING 50 and WRITING 60.
- WRITING 45 and WRITING 60. Recommended students only.
- Completion of the writing component of Humanities Core with a grade of C- or better in (HUMAN 1AS or HUMAN H1AS or HUMAN 1BS or HUMAN H1BS or HUMAN 1BES), and in HUMAN 1CS or HUMAN H1CS.
- Students who complete WRITING 45 or WRITING 50 with a grade of B (3.0) or better may substitute as the second course of the lower-division writing requirement one of the following courses in creative writing: WRITING 30 or WRITING 31.
Students who have not completed the lower-division writing requirement before the beginning of their seventh quarter at UCI will be subject to probation.
Dropping Courses
Courses may be dropped without the School of Engineering’s approval through the end of Week 2 by 5:00 PM via Webreg.
After Week 2, students must submit drop requests through Student Access via Enrollment Exceptions (found under the ‘applications’ tab). You must have a specific reason as to why you need to drop a course. Enrollment exception requests to drop a course will only be considered for extenuating and documented circumstances outside of the student’s control.
Requests will be denied if submitted for the following reasons:
- You did not know the deadlines, did not understand the drop process, or forgot to drop the course.
- The course is not required to meet Major, School, or University requirements.
- You are no longer pursuing a certain major and do not need this course.
- You are doing poorly in the course because of difficulties with the course material.
- You are doing poorly in the course because of a heavy course/workload.
- You are doing poorly in the course because you failed to attend.
Adding Courses
The deadline to add courses without approval from the School of Engineering is Friday of Week 2 by 5:00 pm.
After Friday of Week 2, an add request would rarely be approved. If you have a legitimate reason to add a course, you must submit add requests through Student Access via Enrollment Exceptions (found under the ‘Applications’ tab).
Change Grade Option
The deadline to change a grade option without approval from the School of Engineering is Friday of Week 2 by 5:00 pm.
After Week 2, you may submit an Enrollment Exception through Student Access.
All requests MUST be submitted before Friday of Week 10 by 5:00 PM. NO EXCEPTIONS!
All major required courses MUST be taken for a letter grade.
It is strongly recommended that you meet with an academic advisor before withdrawing from the university. Some things to consider before deciding to withdraw:
- Financial Aid
- Housing
- Readmission Process
IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID FEES/ENROLLED IN CLASSES: Log onto your StudentAccess account, click on the “Applications” tab, and select “Withdrawal” to submit a request. Your request will be reviewed by the Engineering Undergraduate Student Affairs Office and the Registrar’s Office. If you are an international student, your request will also be reviewed by the International Center.
IF YOU HAVE NOT YET PAID FEES: Log onto your StudentAccess account, click on the “Applications” tab, and select “Withdrawal” to submit a request. Your request will be reviewed by the Registrar’s Office only.
Readmission is not guaranteed. The requirements will vary based on whether a student left UCI in good academic standing or not. Below is more information about the readmission process:
Students Who Did Not Leave in Good Academic Standing
- Students who have been formally disqualified from UCI.
- Students who were not formally disqualified but cannot remain at UCI due to poor academic standing.
To be considered for readmission to Engineering, the following criteria must be met:
- Complete 1 full academic year at a community college.
- Courses completed must apply to your intended major.
- Use to verify course equivalencies.
- Complete at least 5 courses that are engineering/engineering-related (i.e. math, physics)
- Earn a letter grade of B or better in all courses completed.
- Eligible to complete all degree requirements within the allotted time: 15 quarters (for those who entered as freshmen) or 9 quarters (for those who entered as transfer students). This includes any quarters completed before withdrawing from UCI.
Appointments can be scheduled using our online appointment system.
Ready to readmit? Submit your request for readmission here
This policy applies to the following students:
- Students who withdrew from UCI in good academic standing (2.0 GPA overall, last quarter enrolled).
- Students who are eligible to complete all degree requirements within the allotted time: 15 quarters (for those who entered as freshmen) or 9 quarters (for those who entered as transfer students). This includes any quarters already completed at UCI.
If you meet these criteria and are ready to readmit, submit your request for readmission here
Please note: if you were not an engineering major when you withdrew, please contact your original academic unit for readmission.
Concurrent Enrollment
For students not in good academic standing or who have exceeded time to degree:
Continuing Education manages enrollment in classes through Concurrent Enrollment. Please be familiar with the enrollment process, fees, and deadlines.
Students are responsible for making informed decisions regarding enrollment and having a realistic graduation plan. This includes considering the current GPA and calculating the GPA required to ensure a minimum 2.0 is met in all areas: Cumulative, Engineering, and Upper Division GPA.
Academic Advising appointments are for current engineering students only. Students attempting to complete the degree through Concurrent Enrollment will be accommodated for appointments on a space available basis. This will be limited to 1 appointment per quarter.