What is Research / a 199 engineering course?

In the School of Engineering, students have the opportunity of becoming involved in research or independent study. An optional opportunity but recommended for students interested in gaining experience in conducting research within an area of interest and potential collaboration with other students while under the supervision of a School of Engineering Faculty member.
To receive optional course credit for research, you have to register for a 199 course. Engineering 199 courses are available per department: BME 199, CBE 199, EECS 199, ENGRCEE 199, ENGRMAE 199 and MSE 199.
As of Fall 2021 but is being enforced in Winter 22 and moving forward.
Students are no longer allowed to take an infinite number of Individual Study units for grades as has happened in the past.
You are now limited to 30 total units for your undergraduate career at UCI.
Anything above 30 units is expected to be taken for P/NP. (Academic Senate Regulation 325) Should you need to take a class as a 199P, please reach out to the CASA office at casa@eng.uci.edu and request the course be created with the specific instructor (eg, EECS 199P, Michael Green). A course will then be created that you will be able to add to your schedule.
Please check your record and enroll appropriately.
Technical Elective Credit
Please be aware of the Technical Elective Policy for your major regarding the use of a 199 course towards your Technical Elective requirements.
- BME 199– 4 units Maximum towards BME and BME PreMed Technical Elective requirements.
- CBE 199– 4 units Maximum towards ChE Technical Elective requirements.
- EECS 199– 4 units Maximum towards Computer Engineering Technical Elective requirements.
- 4 units Maximum towards CSE Technical Elective requirements.
- 4 units Maximum towards EE Technical Elective requirements.
- ENGRCEE 199– currently not approved to count towards Civil or Environmental specializations but can still be taken for credit.
- ENGRMAE 199– 4 units Maximum towards Aerospace Engineering Technical Elective requirements.
- MSE 199– 4 units Maximum towards MSE Technical Elective requirements.
How to register for a 199 Course
Please follow the listed instructions below:
- Find what interests you: Browse by department, thrust, or faculty. Review and see what projects or labs might interest you.
- Prepare your resume: Ensure your resume is up to date with your most recent experiences and qualifications. View our recommendations below
- Review your resume: Leverage resources and tools from the Career Center, such as resume and cover letter tips along with practice with mock interviews.
- Reach out: Initiate contact with the research group through a professional email. View our recommendations below.
- Prepare for a meeting (if applicable): Ensure you’re prepped with information about what they do and how you can play a part in it.
- Fill out Proposal for Indvidual Study form: this is required to be completed by you and your faculty advisor prior to registration.
- Register for the 199 course: Once the form has been completed, please submit the form to ugengr@uci.edu. You will be authorized to register in your proper 199 course.